Stylish Ways to Store and Display Firewood Indoors
It’s estimated that around 1.5 million UK households have wood-burning stoves to heat their homes, and it’s hard to deny the homely vibe they give living rooms. The warmth and look are classic and add character to your home.
While you may need to store your hardwood logs outside to keep them out of the way, keeping them inside not only could improve your home décor but also stop them from getting wet or rotting, so you get a cleaner burn. So, how do we keep logs inside without cluttering our homes?
Stephen Talbot, sales director at Logs Direct, manufacturers of kiln-dried hardwood logs, has plenty of ideas for stylishly storing and displaying firewood indoors.
Utilise your alcove There’s nothing better than taking advantage of the existing space available to you by reimagining how it can be used. Alcoves are a great option if you’re looking to add a unique look to your interior by filling it with your logs.
By stacking the logs on top of one another, the tower effect it creates can be both eye-catching and practical. Not only can you tell when you’re starting to get low, but you can replenish the tower by simply placing more logs on top. When choosing this option, it’s a good idea to make sure it’s stable. Clean up if they all fall could go from being a hassle to outright dangerous.
Floating shelves Is there anything better than clean and efficient storage? Floating shelves can be a cost-effective option for log storage while making your homes or hotels look modern and minimalistic. Depending on the size of the logs, they can be heavy, so ensuring that the brackets are strong, whether you’re buying the shelves or building your own, is crucial to prevent collapse.
The best part is you can add to the homely feeling these shelves offer by adding things that aren’t just logs to them. These can be as simple as various plants to add a splash of green and natural vibes or a collection of your favourite paperback books to offer a well-read look.
Wicker and other wood - reusing crates and baskets Most flexible and popular storage options include wooden crates, wicker baskets, and metal buckets. These are great as you’ll have at least one of them cluttering up your shed or garage that you can clean and put to good use, and they’re not relegated to one room or area.
These can double not just as a way of storing your firewood, but they’re great for transporting them directly from the pallet they arrive on to where they need to be. Stacking them too full can make them heavy, so if you need it, make sure you have someone to help carry the load!
Built-in storage There’s every chance that if you’re reading this, you haven’t yet bought a stove and are thinking of ways to store your fuel without it encroaching on your space. If you’re concerned about the space left available from the other options, you can always buy a stove with built-in storage space.
These tend to run in the high-end price category but offer the convenience of storing the logs to hand without any safety worries. Plus, if you find yourself needing even more storage options to go along with what comes in your stove, you can always supplement it with any of the other suggestions we’ve offered.